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[剧本台词] 看《美国队长》经典台词学地道口语









mpsh5134 发表于 2016-5-22 21:54:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Doctor Abraham:May I?
  Doctor Abraham:Can't sleep?
  Steve:Got the jitters I guess.
  Doctor Abraham:Oh, me too.
  Steve:Can I ask you a question?
  Doctor Abraham:Just one?
  Steve:Why me?
  Doctor Abraham:I suppose that is the one question that matters. This is from Augsburg. My City. So many people forget that the first country the Nazi's invaded was their own.
  You know after the last war they, my peoples struggled, they..They.. They felt weak, they felt.....slow, then Hitler comes along. With the marching and the big show, and the flags and ...And he, hears of me. My work, and he finds me. Then he says, you. He says, you will make us strong.
  I am not interested. So he sends the head of Hydra. East research division. A brilliant Scientist by the name of, Johann Schmidt. Now Schmidt is a member of the inner circle. And he's ambitious. Even Hitler shares his passion for, occult power and tatanic myth.
  Hitler uses his fantasies to inspire his followers. But for Schmidt it is not fantasy. For him, it is real.
  He has become convinced that there is a great power. Hidden in the earth. Left here by the gods. Waiting to be seized by superior men.
  So when he has found my formula and what it can do. He cannot resist. Schmidt wants to become that superior man.
  Steve:Did it make him stronger?
  Doctor Abraham:Yeah. But, it has other effects. The serum wasn't ready. But more important.
  The man.
  The serum amplifies everything that is inside, so.. Good becomes great. Bad becomes worse. This is why you were chosen. Because a strong man who has known power all his life. They lose respect for that power. But a weak man. Who values of strength. And loves. Compassion.
  Steve:Thanks. I think.
  Doctor Abraham:Give this. Whatever happens tomorrow, you must promise me one thing. That you must stay who you are. Not a perfect soldier. But...A good man.
  Steve:To the little guys.
  Doctor Abraham:No, wait, wait. What am I doing? No, you have procedure tomorrow. No fluids.
  Steve:All right, we'll drink it after.
  Doctor Abraham:No, I don't have procedure tomorrow. I can't after, I can now.
  1. Get the jitters
  2. come along
  博士开始解释为什么会选中斯蒂夫作为重生计划的人选。“很多人都忘了,纳粹第一个侵略的就是自己的国家。一战结束后,我的同胞们生活在水深火热中,他们感到无能为力,然后希特勒出现了。” "come along"此处解释为“出现”,其他含义为“快点”、“一起向前走”、“进步” 、“陪伴”等。
  3. inner circle
  当博士介绍到漫威反派角色约翰·施密特的时候:“东线研究部门有位天才科学家 叫约翰·施密特,现在他已经成为核心成员了。他野心勃勃,他甚至和希特勒一样,痴迷于超能力和大陆神话。” “inner circle”表面含义为“内部圈子”,实则指“核心集团”、“核心”。
  4. stay who you are
  博士对斯蒂夫寄予厚望:“血清能增强人的各个方面,好的变得更好,坏的则变得更坏。所以我选择了你,因为强者的力量与生俱来,他们已失去了对力量的敬畏。而弱者才懂得力量的价值,有爱心,懂得怜悯。不管明天发生什么 ,答应我一件事,永远别忘了你是谁。不只希望你当一个好兵,而要当一个好人。”“stay who you are”意为“保持自我”,“坚持做自己”。

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