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[剧本台词] 看第四季《纸牌屋》之前,你需要记住的五件事









sina 发表于 2016-4-10 12:00:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

‘House of Cards’: 5 Things to Remember Before Watching Season 4

The third season of “House of Cards” ended practically in midsentence, with President Frank Underwood calling after his wife, Claire, as she walked out of the White House and, seemingly, away from their marriage and political partnership.

《纸牌屋》第三季仿佛是戛然而止,弗兰克·安德伍德总统(President Frank Underwood)在妻子克莱尔(Claire)身后呼唤,她走出白宫,似乎也想走出两人的婚姻与政治联盟。

The fourth season, which went live on Netflix on Friday, picks up where that charged moment left off, while also continuing to follow Underwood as he campaigns for re-election.


Before settling into another binge-fest, here are a few talking points to keep in mind about some of the show’s key characters.


Claire Underwood’s departure could be very damaging to her husband’s re-election.
Last season’s fracture in the Underwoods’ relationship was primarily precipitated by two things. One was Claire’s resignation as United Nations ambassador, which was forced upon her when Frank promised President Viktor Petrov of Russia that he would convince her to step down. Second was Claire’s early glimpse of Tom Yates’s book-in-progress, which described the first couple’s marriage as one of equals, prompting Claire to realize the lack of truth in that observation.

克莱尔·安德伍德的离去可能对她丈夫的连任选举造成极大损害。上一季中安德伍德夫妇之间的裂痕主要是由两件事导致。其一是克莱尔被迫辞任联合国大使,因为弗兰克向俄罗斯总统维克多·佩特洛夫(Viktor Petrov)承诺会劝她辞职。其二是克莱尔曾经看过汤姆·耶茨(Tom Yates)正在写作中的一本书,其中描述总统夫妇的婚姻是平等关系,令克莱尔意识到这并非真相。

When she tried to discuss her concerns with Frank, he responded as all loving husbands do: by violently squeezing her face in his hands and telling her to start doing her job as supportive first lady or else. Cut to Claire clip-clopping her heels toward the White House front door as if she’s starring in her own version to “Waiting to Exhale.”

她试图和弗兰克讨论自己的忧虑,他的回答就像所有爱着妻子的丈夫一样:用双手用力捏了捏她的脸,告诉她做好支持丈夫的第一夫人就好。镜头切换到克莱尔踩着高跟鞋走到白宫门口,有点像她在主演电影《待到梦醒时分》(Waiting to Exhale)。

The Democratic candidate Heather Dunbar and the former candidate Jackie Sharp have joined forces.
Last season, Dunbar’s attempt to blackmail Underwood using Claire’s journal — which contained some damaging information regarding the first lady’s abortion history — blew up in her face. But even though she lost the Iowa primary, Dunbar now has Jackie Sharp in her corner. And Sharp, who was previously promised the VP spot if she dropped out of the race and endorsed Underwood, is a savvy politician as well as someone with good reason to resent Frank, who threw her under a bus during a live Democratic debate.

民主党候选人希泽·邓巴(Heather Dunbar)与前候选人杰姬·夏普(Jackie Sharp)联手。上一季,邓巴想用克莱尔的日记敲诈安德伍德,这本日记里写了不少和第一夫人的流产史有关的事情,极具破坏性,结果她的图谋惨遭失败。尽管她失去了艾奥瓦州的初选,邓巴还是获得了杰姬·夏普的支持。夏普本来得到过承诺,如果她退出角逐、支持弗兰克,就可以获得副总统的位子,她是个精明的政客,和任何人一样,有理由怨恨弗兰克——他在民主党现场辩论中出卖了她。

Doug Stamper is “healthy” again and back to doing Underwood’s evil bidding. Doug began Season 3 in recovery mode, still suffering from major physical injuries after Rachel Posner attacked him in self-defense at the end of Season 2. Forced to stay away from the office, Doug descended back into alcoholism but eventually straightened himself out so he could enjoy his other drug of choice: engaging in dirty deeds for Frank. He did one of his dirtiest near the end of last season, when he finally killed Rachel — the former prostitute who knew a little too much about the circumstances surrounding Frank’s manipulation and murder of Peter Russo.

道格·斯坦普(Doug Stamper)恢复了“健康”,继续为安德伍德从事邪恶的勾当。第三季一开头,道格正处于恢复阶段,仍然没能从第二季末尾瑞秋·波斯纳(Rachel Posner)自卫攻击给他带来的肉体伤害中痊愈。他被迫离开办公室,再度酗酒,但最终还是戒了酒,这下就可以沉迷于另一项毒瘾般的工作——为弗兰克做那些肮脏的事情,最后他杀死了瑞秋,这个前妓女知道太多弗兰克操纵并谋杀彼得·罗素(Peter Russo)的事情。

Do not forget about Lucas Goodwin.
Remember this journalist and former boyfriend of Zoe Barnes, whom Frank pushed off a subway platform at the beginning of Season 2? Lucas’s obsession with uncovering Underwood’s crimes eventually led to his getting sent to jail after committing acts of cyberterrorism. Lucas was out of the picture last season and presumably still has a few years left in his sentence.

别忘了卢卡斯·古德温(Lucas Goodwin)。还记得这个记者——祖伊·巴恩斯(Zoe Barnes)的前男友吗?祖伊就是第二季一开头弗兰克从地铁站台推下去的那个。卢卡斯执着于揭穿安德伍德的罪行,最终导致他因从事网络恐怖主义被判入狱。上一季没有卢卡斯的戏份,大概还有几年的刑期。

Seth Grayson also should make President Underwood nervous.
Before Doug negotiated his way into the chief of staff position vacated by Remy Danton, Seth, the communications chief, lobbied for the job. As a man who only weaseled his way into the president’s good graces by betraying the trust of his previous employer, Raymond Tusk, a dissatisfied Seth seems potentially dangerous.

塞思·格雷森(Seth Grayson)也会让安德伍德总统头疼。在道格接替雷米·丹顿(Remy Danton)空出来的位子、成为幕僚长之前,联络总长塞思也在谋求这个职位。他是靠出卖前雇主雷蒙德·塔斯克(Raymond Tusk)才打入总统圈子的,心怀不满的塞思也是个潜在的危险。

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