本帖最后由 江流天地外 于 2020-7-5 19:07 编辑
花海漫游 (修改重发)
1 牵着你的手, 在这片花海漫游。 唤醒的初恋, 像春天的小鸟, 炫耀婉转的歌喉。 花儿无边, 风儿轻柔, 把春天揽入怀中, 看幸福溢满枝头。
虽然不再拥有, 闭月羞花, 倜傥风流, 我对你的爱, 痴情如初, 浪漫依旧。 这一片花海, 是我为你编织的锦绣。
2 牵着你的手, 在这片花海漫游, 唤醒的初恋, 像春天的小鸟 炫耀婉转的歌喉。 花儿无边, 风儿轻柔, 把春天揽入怀中, 看幸福溢满枝头。
虽然不再奢求, 出类拔萃, 功成名就, 你给我的家, 四季如春, 经年似酒。 这一片花海, 是你粲然一笑的回眸!
副歌: 老伴啊, 就让我一直牵着你的手, 在人生的路上不离左右, 花开花谢,天长地久, 直到我们生命的尽头……!
As I Gently Hold Your Little Hand (lyric)
As I gently hold your little hand, In this vast flower-flourishing land. My first love memory comes wildly, Like a bird in spring singing mildly. The field of flowers seems endless, The wind is warm and soundless. Put this vital spring into your arms, Happiness arises because of its charms. We can't hold drifting years back before, Blossom age and salt of youth no more. As I gently hold your little hand, Romance is still there and never strand. This field of flowers is a huge tapestry, Knitted for you with my sense of poetry !
As I gently hold your little hand, In this vast flower-flourishing land. My first love memory comes wildly, Like a bird in spring singing mildly. The field of flowers seems endless, The wind is warm and soundless. Put this vital spring into your arms, Happiness arises due to its charms. We can't expect any luxurious wares, Prosper in life equal to millionaires. As I gently hold your little hand, What love means I deeply understand. The sea of flowers is like your smile, I cherish it wherever I am and while !
南京 天地悠悠 2018,04,12-2020,06,25