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[直播视频连接] 一首由国语歌曲翻唱的英文歌

铺天盖地虎 发表于 2015-9-23 10:34:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

! d2 C$ w: j3 {: t: S( _玫瑰玫瑰我爱你 是我国第一首被外国人所知的中国流行歌曲,鄙人今将翻成英文的玫瑰玫瑰我爱你献给猫坛所有网友- O( R3 b% S' G! ?( x% z6 H
rose, rose i love you - frankie laine
, `8 J! x2 N6 M  mrose, rose i love you. X# @/ g) g# H# G3 F; X
frankie laine
; T* \( U, d1 Q( A
, [: a1 |4 S2 \. U2 w- T  orose, rose i love you with an aching heart
3 ~/ n2 R9 p1 N" D. e1 T; x) bwhat is your future?, now we have to part
+ x0 @/ u. A0 g2 P3 Sstanding on the jetty as the steamer moves away; z2 W, p) T2 s0 p5 ~: m
flower of malaya, i cannot stay
. F* ^$ A: X! x" t0 Dmake way, oh, make way for my eastern rose# \9 G1 K/ C  t; ~$ B- d
men crowd in dozens everywhere she goes" K# P2 |5 ?% Q0 |( ]+ s5 i5 M
in her rickshaw on the street or in a cabaret
% w- l+ M8 o* r"please make way for rose" you can hear them say& F+ f$ s, v/ d4 ~
all my life i shall remember
* G7 m) Q5 l( Y. f1 D( Woriental music and you in my arms# n& ?6 H% i' V/ O5 P+ q
perfumed flowers in your tresses( {1 E5 ^9 z3 ]6 C9 Y8 Z* Q3 x6 z
lotus-scented breezes and swaying palms+ z/ k, c8 A% Z
rose, rose i love you with your almond eyes
2 `: j) d, S% m7 Y9 y; l8 _8 J: zfragrant and slender ''neath tropical skies' d% _  F( r) W
i must cross the seas again and never see you more
3 h8 ]" f, e$ b. s1 z7 d% d# o''way back to my home on a distant shore7 R% R1 b, A7 d2 O
(all my life i shall remember)$ w7 n% P% I  F) X& ?
(oriental music and you in my arms)) ^- O, V/ A  `& v2 P/ M4 c
(perfumed flowers in your tresses), M" t  F1 D+ M) v" r; L* g
(lotus-scented breezes and swaying palms)
8 E3 T# P3 G  Grose, rose i leave you, my ship is in the bay
* N8 f% R* i8 D( akiss me farewell now, there''s nothin'' to say
3 X1 I8 Y7 Z1 E! Xeast is east and west is west, our worlds are far apart
1 u/ }3 N* s! Ii must leave you now but i leave my heart
  p$ \$ M* H) Q1 w" F8 z% ?rose, rose i love you with an aching heart" N' J2 H9 Q* V+ Z* ~
what is your future?, now we have to part' k3 {$ u+ x" }- J3 O
standing on the jetty as the steamer moves away
, |. S* q/ g: B3 A/ _; c+ sflower of malaya, i cannot stay3 @2 O& U9 g) E7 a5 [
(rose, rose i love you, i cannot stay)
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