



2016-2-4 15:15| 发布者: zgycgc| 查看: 42| 评论: 0

摘要: 范例编辑世界各大名校都有自己的校歌,英文称为Alma Mater即母校之歌。需要注意的是,在美国,澳大利亚,新西兰等国家,许多学校除了正统校歌以外,还有一首或多首用于体育比赛或节日庆典的非正式校歌或战歌(Fight ...
世界各大名校都有自己的校歌,英文称为Alma Mater即母校之歌。需要注意的是,在美国,澳大利亚,新西兰等国家,许多学校除了正统校歌以外,还有一首或多首用于体育比赛或节日庆典的非正式校歌或战歌(Fight Song),这些歌曲也能代表学校,是学校的球队、历史、吉祥物以及学生教员的象征之一,但是它们不能成为是“校歌”,不能与校歌混淆。校歌一般是正式场合比如毕业典礼等时候使用的。

Illegitimum Non Carborundum;
Domine salvum fac.
Illegitimum Non Carborundum;
Domine salvum fac.
Gaudeamus igitur!
Veritas non sequitur?
Illegitimum non Carborundum -- ipso facto!
Ten thousand men of Harvard want vict'ry today,
For they know that o'er old EliFair
Harvard holds sway.
So then we'll conquer old Eli's men,
And when the gameends,
we'll sing again:
Ten thousand men of Harvard
gained vict'ry today!

Bright College years, with pleasure rife,
The shortest, gladdest years of life;
How swiftly are ye gliding by!
Oh, why doth time so quickly fly?
The seasons come, the seasons go,
The earth is green or white with snow,
But time and change shall naught avail
To break the friendships formed at Yale.
In after years, should troubles rise
To cloud the blue of sunny skies,
How bright will seem, through mem'ry's haze
Those happy, golden, bygone days!
Oh, let us strive that ever we
May let these words our watch-cry be,
Where'er upon life's sea we sail:
"For God, for Country and for Yale!"

Come all alums of Iowa,
and blend your voices true;
Sing praises to our Alma Mater, as good Hawkeyes do.
Let's keep within our hearts a fire to magnify her fame;
Bring credit to these noble halls where glory and honor reign.
The day is near when comrades here will bid farewell and part;
But each Hawkeye carries on, thy spirit in his heart.
Oh! Iowa, Iowa, we drink a toast to you;
We pledge our everlasting love for dear old Iowa U.
Alma Mater, Iowa.

We are the mighty Bruins
The BEST team in the west.
We're marching on to VIC-TO-RY
To conquer all the rest.
We ARE the Mighty Bruins,
Triumphant evermore.
You can hear, from far and near,
The Mighty Bruin roar.
Fight, Fight, Fight

Arizona, Bear Down!
Let's Cheer for Arizona,
Let's Raise our Voices High!
Let's Cheer for Arizona,
That Bear Down Battle Cry!
Let's Cheer our Team to Victory,
Let's Cheer our Team to Fame,
Let's Cheer for Arizona,
For Spirit Wins the Game!
Bear Down, Arizona!
Bear Down, Red and Blue!
Bear Down, Arizona!
Hit 'Em Hard Let 'Em Know Who's Who!
Bear Down, Arizona!
Bear Down, Red and Blue!
Go, Go, Wildcats Go!
Arizona, Bear Down!

Indiana, Our Indiana,
Indiana, we're all for you!
We will fight for the cream and crimson,
For the glory of old IU
Never daunted, we cannot falter
In the battle, we're tried and true
Indiana, Our Indiana,
Indiana, we're all for you!

Our sturdy Golden Bear
is watching from the sky
Looks down upon our colors fair
And guards us from his lair
Our banner Gold and Blue
The symbol on it too
Means Fight! for California
For California through and through.
Stalwart girded for the fray
Will strive for victory
Their all at Mater's feet will lay
That brain and brawn will win the day.
Our mighty sons and true
Will strive for us anew
And Fight! for California
For California through and through.

When the bold teams
of old wore the blue and white,
Deeds of fame made their name
here at old Columbia,
Nowadays, we can praise
fighting teams again,
Hear the Lion roar his pride,
While the men of Morningside,
Follow the blue and white to victory!
Roar, Lion, Roar
And wake the echoes of the Hudson Valley
Fight on to victory evermore
While the sons of Knickerbocker
Rally 'round Columbia, Columbia!
Shouting her name forever
Roar, Lion, Roar
For Alma Mater on the Hudson shore!

Come, all ye loyal classmen now,
In hall and campus through,
Lift up your hearts and voices for
The royal Red and Blue.
Fair Harvard has her crimson,
Old Yale her colors too,
But for dear Pennsylvania,
We wear the Red and Blue.
Hurrah, Hurrah, Pennsylvania,
Hurrah for the Red and the Blue;
Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah Hurrah,
Hurrah for the Red and the Blue.
One color's in the blushing rose,
The other tints the clouds,
And when together both disclose,
We're happy as the gods.
We ask no other emblem,
No other sign to view,
We only ask to see and cheer
Our colors Red and Blue.
How often when on fields of sport,
We've seen our boys go through,
The very air was rent in twain
With cheers for Red and Blue.
We knew that vict'ry then was ours,
All else we might eschew,
If only we could wave and sing
Our colors Red and Blue.
And then upon the breast of her
Whose heart beats warm and true,
It is the dearest sight of all
To see our Red and Blue.
She wears them with a smile so bright,
It wakes our hearts anew,
To swear eternal loyalty,
To dear old Red and Blue.
And now thro' all the years to come,
In midst of toil and care,
We'll get new inspiration from
The colors waving there.
And when to all our college life
We've said our last adieu,
We'll never say adieu to thee,
Our colors Red and Blue.

MSU, we love thy shadows
When twilight silence falls,
Flushing deep and softly paling
O'er ivy covered halls;
Beneath the pines we'll gather
To give our faith so true,
Sing our love for Alma Mater
And thy praises, MSU.
When from these scenes we wander
And twilight shadows fade
Our memory still will linger
Where light and shadows played
In the evening oft we'll gather
And pledge our faith anew
Sing our love for Alma Mater
And thy praises, MSU

Sing to the colors that float in the light;
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!
Yellow the stars as they ride through the night
And reel in a rollicking crew;
Yellow the field where ripens the grain
And yellow the moon on the harvest wain;
Hail to the colors that float in the light
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!
Blue are the billows that bow to the sun
When yellow-robed morning is due.
Blue are the curtains that evening has spun
The slumbers of Phoebus to woo;
Blue are the blossoms to memory dear
And blue is the sapphire and gleams like a tear;
Hail to the ribbons that nature has spun;
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!
Here's to the college whose colors we wear,
Here's to the hearts that are true!
Here's to the maid of the golden hair,
And eyes that are brimming with blue!
Garlands of bluebells and maize intertwine,
And hearts that are true and voices combine;
Hail to the college whose colors we wear;
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!

Alma Mater, wise and glorious,
Child of Light and Bride of Truth,
Over fate and foe victorious,
Dowered with eternal youth,
Crowned with love of son and daughter,
Thou shalt conquer as of yore,
Dear old Pittsburgh, Alma Mater,
God preserve Thee evermore!
First beyond the mountains founded,
Where the West-road opens free,
When twin rivers forest bounded,
Merge and journey toward the sea,
In the dawning of the nation
Ere the clouds of strife had cleared,
'Rose Thy rough-hewn habitation,
By our prophet fathers reared.
Close Thy mother-love embraces
All who gather at Thy knee,
Castes and classes, creeds and races,
Mother, are as one to Thee;
Thou who unto knowledge bore us,
In the good old days long gone,
Raise Thy Gold and Blue high o'er us,
Land and we will follow on.
Alma Mater, wise and glorious,
Child of Light and Bride of Truth,
Over fate and foe victorious
Dowered with eternal youth,
Crowned with love of son and daughter,
Thou shalt conquer as of yore,
Dear Old Pittsburgh, Alma Mater,
God preserve Thee evermore

We are We are We are We are--
We are the engineers--
We can We can We can We can--
Demolish forty beers--
Drink rum Drink rum Drink rum all day--
and come along with us for--
We don't give a damn for any old man--
Who don't give a damn for us--

For the glory of old State,
For her founders strong and great,
For the future that we wait,
Raise the song, raise the song.
Sing our love and loyalty,
Sing our hopes that, bright and free,
Rest, O Mother dear, with thee,
All with thee, all with thee.
When we stood at childhood's gate,
Shapeless in the hands of fate,
Thou didst mold us, dear old State,
Dear old State, dear old State.
May no act of ours bring shame
To one heart that loves thy name,
May our lives but swell thy fame,
Dear old State, dear old State

Far aboveCayuga's waters, with its waves of blue,
Stands our noble Alma Mater, glorious to view.
Lift the chorus, speed it onward, loud her praises tell;
Hail to thee our Alma Mater! Hail, all hail, Cornell!
Far above the busy humming of thebustling town,
Reared against the arch of heaven, looks she proudly down.
Lift the chorus, speed it onward, loud her praises tell;
Hail to thee, our alma mater! Hail, all hail, Cornell!
Sentry-like o'er lake and valley towers her regal form,
Watch and ward forever keeping, braving time and storm.
So through clouds of doubt and darkness gleams her beacon light,
Fault and error clear revealing, blazing forth the right.
To the glory of her founder rise her stately walls.
May her sons pay equal tribute whene'er duty calls.
When the moments, swiftly fleeting, ages roll between,
Many yet unborn shall hail her: Alma Mater, Queen!
In the music of the waters as they glide along,
In the murmur of the breezes with their whispered song,
In the tuneful chorus blending with each pealing bell,
One refrain seems oft repeated: Hail, all hail, Cornell!
Here, by flood and foaming torrent, gorge and rocky dell,
Pledge we faith and homage ever to our loved Cornell.
May time ne'er efface the memory of her natal day,
And her name and fame be honored far and wide away!


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