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[原创歌词] lonely heart-MR.9









MR9 发表于 2023-7-17 09:58:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(Verse 1)
In the stillness of the night,
Where the stars no longer shine so bright,
I find myself lost within my fears,
A lonely heart drowning in tears.

I search for solace in a crowded room,
But none can heal the void, this impending doom,
The emptiness inside consumes my soul,
I'm just a lonely heart, struggling to feel whole.

Lonely heart, so desperate to be found,
Yearning for love's touch, to hear a sweet sound,
But in this endless cycle of pain and despair,
I'm left alone, with a heart beyond repair.

(Verse 2)
I wear a smile, but inside I'm breaking,
A shattered spirit, tired of faking,
Every beat echoes a silent plea,
For someone to rescue and set me free.

I've tried to fill this void with fleeting loves,
But they only left me with scars and rough,
Now, I stand here, vulnerable and raw,
Hoping that love will finally answer my call.

Lonely heart, so desperate to be found,
Yearning for love's touch, to hear a sweet sound,
But in this endless cycle of pain and despair,
I'm left alone, with a heart beyond repair.

(Verse 3)
But hope still flickers in the darkest night,
A tiny spark promising a future so bright,
I'll mend my brokenness, piece by piece,
For love will find me, bringing sweet release.

Lonely heart, don't lose your faith,
For in this journey, love will come your way,
Hold on tight, your time will arrive,
And your lonely heart will finally thrive.
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