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[散文诗] 唱给拉尕山的情歌(散文诗)









江流天地外 发表于 2018-4-25 21:00:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 江流天地外 于 2018-4-29 09:06 编辑







南京 江义勇

A Ballad to La Ga Mountain

La Ga Mountain, a paradise of immortals, a pasture of King Gesar who once grazed his fine horses here, is well-known far and near as an original birthplace of majestic war stallions.
The dense primitive forest, the vast alpine meadow, the birds and flowers in the canyon forest and the murmuring of the mountain stream, —all of these arouse people's yearning and imagination. Here in spring flowers bloom all over the mountain, in summer the mountain presents a lush green world, in autumn it is amazingly colorful, and in winter it is a universe wrapped in silver snow. Here every corner is exceedingly picturesque and the scenery is ever-changing as you are moving forward. The weather in the mountain is like the face of children —that you cannot tell what will happen next— rather changeable. The green forest of the Mountain is overflowing a dazzling orange pained by the golden sun. Every year in the early May, on fifth, all flowers in the mountain flourish, while boys and girls wear the festival costumes and celebrate the annual Flower-picking Festival. They sing and dance, blessing all the vigorous life of the earth, including all blossoming flowers in the mountain. But what fascinates me most is those local residents here, they are simple and natural in personality, just like their homeland which is inherited from their ancestors.
Oh, La Ga Mountain, I want to write a poem for you, because you are the breeding ground of antelopes and because you are a rarely pure land nearest to the paradise. What an idyllic and peaceful scene it is: the Yellow River flows quietly from the feet of the mountain as an original source, and the Tibetan cottages, which are enveloped in the smoke rising from cook chimneys, are in an atmosphere of tranquility, happiness and auspiciousness in the twilight.
Oh, La Ga Mountain, I want to sing a song for you, because what impress me most is the challenge you transcended against the disaster that assaulted you eight years ago: the sudden huge mudslide washed away your old hometown, but it couldn’t rush away your inner tenacity and determination. Now, eight years past, in the breeze of the fish and rice land in the South , I marvel at the majestic appearance of your homeland rebuilding; from the melody of traditional Duodi dances, I feel the faith and strength of your recovery.  What an optimistic and vivid picture it is: those faces, though weathered and broken, still laugh so happily and so jubilantly and the phoenix rises from the ashes, singing and flying toward a more brilliant future!
La Ga Mountain, a paradise of immortals, a pasture of King Gesar who once grazed his horses here, is well-known far and near as an original place of excellent war horses, and in addition, it is also a dream land I bless silently time and again as a passionate tourist and admirer.

Yiyong- Jiang
In Nanjing

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