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OridoErdo 发表于 2015-1-28 08:54:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
英文歌词4 z6 t! F7 U6 @7 Z1 h& U
  Dashing through the snow% V, H4 Z0 F* N/ o# X6 d
  In a one- horse open sleigh5 N/ \9 u; P/ B7 w7 a
  Over the fields we go
  O- o0 E1 D% F, h2 y' t  Laughing all the way
4 h7 R" j7 h8 J* ~" c, a  Bells on bobtails ring
6 F( J; @0 ]. r/ U  Making spirits bright
1 d1 p$ z& q+ s1 J  What fun it is to ride and sing
$ A  i2 M8 p9 [. M  A sleighing song tonight
+ G* E3 B  x& w. ]+ U  OH,Jingle bells, jingle bells,
: P7 S: p7 }' P' z1 W! T  Jingle all the way; f2 L9 n8 I0 G
  Oh,what fun it is to ride
; r7 c3 |" V, ^' d7 L3 t  In a one-horse open sleigh- o# ?9 m. K: `! T
  Jingle bells,jingle bells
  f* c7 Z8 f% d" S  Jingle all the way
4 G( D. Q1 b- ?: S7 g; @6 G& ^: T  Oh,what fun it is to ride
; q: J+ j* ^' f  In a one-horse open sleigh
9 \8 Y# j( f3 y8 Z/ e1 ^6 s  A day or two ago
/ a- e% L8 Z+ u: b& M  I thought I take a ride, t' Y! b3 R: `; y# H/ y
  And soon Miss Fanny Bright
( y3 p, W7 o3 A  was seated by my side
$ g. n" t; d, ~/ y# d0 U! g9 a% h  The horse was lean and lank
$ F6 z5 B" h$ o9 C1 x. `  Misfortune seemed his lot
9 z3 |5 i( m6 h) M6 d  He's got into a drifted bank
: V% E! u! p( y% r8 H9 J) S  And we, we got upsot
) O4 c9 ?0 b' L: {7 q0 P8 l- ^+ F  OH,Jingle bells, jingle bells,
, ^- e" O' o0 Z! u) g- ^. Q* S# p2 D  Jingle all the way
' }2 D. u" R0 B4 R- z# f  Oh,what fun it is to ride
  Q$ t' v" i+ F  In a one-horse open sleigh! ~  S, Y# a  C3 [+ m. m
  Jingle bells,jingle bells
9 b: b. `3 i* r% F  u; Y% S- s6 c  Jingle all the way
7 L0 L: ?& E2 G( t: a  Oh,what fun it is to ride
* h1 E: `9 F, [, o0 @  In a one-horse open sleigh
$ j7 q; J* l2 B2 j  A day or two ago,
7 e& T. T+ M, h& j' J4 d4 b& P  The story I must tell
% _. r+ ?/ `4 ]( e% I% M  I went out on the snow,
" P! t# Z- S$ V4 G6 h8 x  And on my back I fell;$ W3 R& G9 A; \! e. l( |- H6 W
  A gent was riding by+ t1 v  D, w3 l9 f0 ~
  In a one-horse open sleigh,' Z( C/ \* E, l+ U9 }
  He laughed as there I sprawling lie,0 Q0 W0 V8 _" C7 b% f
  But quickly drove away./ g! Z5 Q, |7 W% x
  OH,Jingle bells, jingle bells,
  H' w6 L$ G' `  Jingle all the way
- b1 h' S9 D7 ]  Oh,what fun it is to ride
8 A1 m7 H8 M5 m3 l  L  In a one-horse open sleigh' _% I! V3 ]# r
  Jingle bells,jingle bells
. Y. S, K$ T' R$ @$ ?  ~  Jingle all the way
) B8 u. h# {  a+ U  Oh,what fun it is to ride# I. l9 I7 i+ H4 g  [# f/ g5 r
  In a one-horse open sleigh1 _! D; X! {6 I: X1 ^
  Now the ground is white5 {4 a2 [6 M: T$ y# m6 \' B2 Q) C% H
  Go it while you're young,
" n1 S; h2 s) X. o2 H9 @( |  Take the girls tonight
( E$ D4 o- {, K- ~' K  And sing this sleighing song;- X# z0 _5 l+ p
  Just get a bob-tailed bay[1]; w* Y- t! q, T" m# F7 E
  two-forty as his speed# D4 I5 U4 [* \/ o( J) w4 P, C8 o
  Hitch him to an open sleigh
; V& \- g$ j/ S  L! d& R  q5 D% ?  And crack! you'll take the lead.
2 U% r( U/ K7 _0 M( Z  V  OH,Jingle bells, jingle bells," k: u, n$ E6 t; G2 G1 ^9 u
  Jingle all the way1 S8 w8 j. T) S& d
  Oh,what fun it is to ride
. N3 M, U" x5 h( H  t* J+ U  In a one-horse open sleigh
: A2 x, y2 x) ?! J' K  Jingle bells,jingle bells
, C6 j! w* E5 x3 A1 q0 U* _  Jingle all the way8 s/ q4 U0 i5 T& E# k& }" ^) q, W
  Oh,what fun it is to ride1 z. x4 n+ R) F4 }8 i6 Y+ W
  In a one-horse open sleigh[2]" H+ e5 W$ t" X6 W* F9 u" R
9 \& f9 _" Z' T0 x6 G; r  铃儿响叮当
& X. C2 V$ m% E" v- }& U+ n  [美]皮尔彭特 词曲/程雨菲 录词
% ^- [: F, |0 Z3 P! o9 A  铃儿响叮当
5 B! R$ H1 g$ L. R/ j. ?  叮叮当,叮叮当, 铃儿响叮当.
9 R7 K3 }/ O& s: C" R; S2 D# u  我们滑雪多快乐, 我们坐在雪橇上.; `1 t; p1 n1 \$ P2 h5 m
  叮叮当,叮叮当, 铃儿响叮当.& v. S+ T& e: u, L- B9 f! l
( Z4 n9 E2 A. T  叮叮当,叮叮当, 铃儿响叮当.2 \, U  n! m% o1 {- V
  我们滑雪多快乐, 我们坐在雪橇上.
5 i6 k; o4 Z  _3 m* F* P" r# c  叮叮当,叮叮当, 铃儿响叮当.
% e' b! A& @' G: S) d  我们滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上.冲破大风雪 我们坐在雪橇上
( G! p7 b( q6 O: D  奔驰过田野 我们欢笑又歌唱# l( O6 L6 ]% h% Q6 l
  马儿铃声响 令人精神多欢畅
1 Z# k$ p" R4 v& h) R2 ~! o: G  今晚滑雪真快乐 把滑雪歌儿唱 嘿3 T" Y1 X: v0 _( b: n- B
3 j1 |) w+ U; G* G) T1 l  我们滑雪多快乐我们坐在雪橇上
1 C& H! Q' M! T" }$ p7 ?  叮叮当叮叮当铃儿响叮当
+ u6 m: ~( ]  j1 z* b" s, R  我们滑雪多快乐我们坐在雪橇上6 J# R: y. ^1 h* @+ J4 P
  在一两天之前 我想出外去游荡8 X6 j. l/ l0 x# {/ W
  那位美丽小姑娘 她坐在我身旁" u/ y! x8 s1 Z0 w7 P4 U6 e+ z
  那马儿瘦又老 它命运不吉祥
- M1 V8 u0 ?+ U2 a  把雪橇撞进泥塘里害的我们遭了殃  u3 k- L, d5 m
9 d) I; _6 g% d0 O8 r: Z" j  我们滑雪多快乐我们坐在雪橇上
/ U( a- Q$ H& E7 }, H* S  叮叮当叮叮当铃儿响叮当
1 ?- Y' X/ H* G  `% v  我们滑雪多快乐我们坐在雪橇上8 _* l( E7 S; f- o
  白雪闪银光 趁这年轻好时光6 L! f" ^1 O& |+ D6 ]5 {
  带上亲爱的朋友 把滑雪歌儿唱6 J6 V9 I% V7 Y& i
  有一匹栗色马 它一日行千里
. L# q( r' [2 }( E5 W% Y$ D: v  我们把它套在雪橇上 就飞奔向前方/ x" B" O' I# X! Y5 t! Q4 L
% f. n' p6 x- ?  我们滑雪多快乐我们坐在雪橇上
: N8 L( b6 z  X4 T4 R- e6 p0 @  叮叮当叮叮当铃儿响叮当
7 j7 d# V8 ~, v- s  我们滑雪多快乐我们坐在雪橇上
5 F8 K) R1 `4 P  I3 ]/ [) y% W  叮叮当叮叮当铃儿响叮当$ b: b- `$ d' j
7 T7 x" S& [5 N8 J2 s7 |* \' a& e  叮叮当叮叮当铃儿响叮当
' m* c; b  V! c. ]$ r+ [' t( k' J  我们滑雪多快乐我们坐在雪橇上
0 y# ~0 E0 t0 T  叮叮当 嘿9 i) w& C+ `" @8 z0 c
  《铃儿响叮当》是一首曲调流畅、情绪欢快的美国歌曲。生动的歌词描绘了一群孩子冒着大风雪,坐在马拉的雪橇上,他们的欢声笑语伴着清脆的马铃声回响在原野……表现了孩子们热情奔放的性格,抒发了热爱美好生活的真挚情感。歌曲为再现的二段体结构。第一乐段以“3”、“4”的同音反复为主,加上 “ ×× × | ×× × | ×× ×.× | × - |”节奏的运用,塑造了马儿奔跑、铃儿叮当的欢快的音乐形象。第二乐段从第一乐段的最后一小节后半拍开始,“ × | ×× ×× | × - |”的节奏从弱起进入,这一节奏的重复出现,加上曲调的逐步上移,给人以推动感,刻画了孩子们随着雪橇冲破风雪、飞奔向前的情景。歌曲的最后乐段的重复再现,并在结尾用一延长的、渐弱的高音“1”,结束了全曲,仿佛雪橇已渐渐远去,而那充满欢笑的歌声仍在风雪中回荡。
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