Woman of Mine 娘子 詞:方文山 译者李杜 娘子卻依舊每日折一枝楊柳 妳在那裡 Day in, day out, My young wife breaks a branch of the willow. 在小村外的溪邊河口默默等著我 By the end of the village river, Quietly she stands on tiptoe. 娘子依舊每日折一枝楊柳 妳在那裡 Day in, day out, My young wife breaks a branch of the willow. 在小村外的溪邊 默默等著 By the end of the village stream, Quietly she stands on tiptoe. 一壺好酒 再來一碗熱粥 配上幾斤的牛肉 A mug of refined wine, a bowl of hot stew, And some beef served but an appetizer. 我說店小二 三兩銀夠不夠 I ask the inn keeper “Would a couple of taels of silver do?” 景色入秋 漫天黃沙掠過 塞北的客棧人多 The autumn sand sweeps over the northern desert Inns are crammed with many a wayfarer. 牧草有沒有 我馬兒有些瘦 “Do you have more coddle, For my horse, as thin as his master?” 世事看透 江湖上潮起潮落 Seeing through things, I watch the worldly tides rise and fall 什麼恩怨過錯 在多年以後 Along with love,hate,wrongs,rights,and all. 還是讓人難過 心傷透 The past has long gone; Yet it keeps weighing me down. 娘子她人在江南等我 淚不休 語沉默 Ever in wait is woman of mine Her silent tears overflowing the southern bank. 娘子卻依舊每日折一枝楊柳 Day in, day out, My young wife breaks a branch of the willow. 在小村外的溪邊河口 默默的在等著我 By the end of the village stream, Quietly she stands on tiptoe. 家鄉的爹娘早已蒼老了輪廓 In my mind carved my parents’ aging silhouette 娘子我欠妳太多 Woman of mine I owe you mountains of debt 天涯盡頭 滿臉風霜落寞 To the end of the world I roam My weathered face betraying a lonely sorrow. 近鄉情怯的我 相思寄紅豆 相思寄紅豆 The nearer to my native land I go The more timid I grow. So I turn to the love beans to speak of my dreams. 無能為力的在人海中漂泊 心傷透 helpless and in grief, I roamed and followed the streams. 娘子她人在江南等我 淚不休 語沉默 ever in wait is woman of mine, Her silent tears overflowing the southern bank. 译者注释:娘子,譯成英文,其歷史文化的原味,不好把握。“My young wife”,“我的年輕妻子”,嫌直白;“my love”,“我的愛”又過於西方化。我用“woman of mine”,取其折中,依然缺乏韻味。 “紅豆”的相思情結,西方人恐怕難以體會。沒有吟誦過“紅豆生南國”,更是難解其意。許淵沖老先生在翻譯王維的《紅豆》時,譯成love seeds,十分傳神,附錄如下: 紅豆生南國 春來發幾枝 願君多採擷 此物最相思 Red berries grow in southern land. How many load in spring the trees! Gather them till full is your hand; They would revive fond memories 英國詩人﹑作家勞倫斯寫過一首A Young Wife,譯成“新婦”或者“娘子”最為接近。悠悠的第一句,盡顯蒼涼: The pain of loving you Is almost more than I can bear. “愛你之痛,我幾於無法承受。”詩的末尾又重複該句,如讖語一般。這句詩,適合一部小說的卷首語,讀者劈頭讀到,心墜下來,手裡的書就沉重了。 小编解析:1.在小村外的溪邊河口默默等著我 By the end of the village river, Quietly she stands on tiptoe. Stand on tiptoe 踮起脚尖 娘子盼望我回家的急切心情跃然纸上。 2.一壺好酒 再來一碗熱粥 配上幾斤的牛肉 A mug of refined wine, a bowl of hot stew, And some beef served but an appetizer. stew 煨的菜(有肉和蔬菜)用在这里不准确 热粥应该译为hot porridge 但诗歌翻译是创造的艺术,对原文稍作改动是允许的。 3.店小二、三两银分别译为the inn keeper,a couple of taels of silver 表达了文化内涵。店小二在今人看来就是waiter或者waitress. 4.Wayfarer 旅客、旅人;coddle 溺爱 这里包含马的主人对马儿的怜惜,希望店小二多给马儿喂些鲜草 5.江南 长江下游以南的地区 一般译为south of the Yangtze River 6.Silhouette (尤指人脸的)侧影 |