


That we meet in the city

2015-9-6 16:19| 发布者: 翰墨馨| 查看: 54| 评论: 2|原作者: 翰墨馨|来自: hanmoxingeci

摘要: Drink a cup of thoughts into wine Broken heart continues to move forward Tears happy memories in my garden Say goodbye to nod and smile to fate Hold drift alone in the lonely crowd Familiar and ...
Drink a cup of thoughts into wine
Broken heart continues to move forward
Tears happy memories in my garden
Say goodbye to nod and smile to fate
Hold drift alone in the lonely crowd

Familiar and unfamiliar city
My heart seemed to panic
A stranger in that we meet again in the
Maybe you had a corner staring at me
See if I can find the buried love

When the thoughts in the night madness
Even although you have to dream
If you are really flying out of my
To warm the walls of love
I'll keep you all about
All love and life of your dreams

That we meet in the city
Restore I have removed sorrow
Efforts to convince myself that does not change the agreed
Blossom can not find your shade
In this city we meet
No shiny lights flashing stars
Only gray skies keep me



引用 信天翁 2015-9-7 11:50
引用 翰墨馨 2015-9-12 17:38

这下汉字也发了 老师


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