power of me
The power of me is so strongI can do anything I want
With just a thought I can make things happen
No one can stop me, I'm in control
I can make the sun rise and the moon fall
With a snap of my fingers, I can make it all happen
No one is as powerful as I am
I am the master of my destiny
No one can tell me what to do
I listens to no one but me
My power is absolute
I am the ruler of my own life
No one can tell me what to do
I'll always follow my own heart
It's led me to success
And it'll never stop
My power is within me
I can do anything I set my mind to
There's nothing I can't do
With the power of me
I am strong, I am powerful
I am in control
No one can stop me
I am the master of my own fate
With the power of me, I can do anything