妖妖007 发表于 2016-7-30 15:26:06


非格调的乱妖妖明风傲雪 垂柳缀髫髫苏世独立 横而不流穿过幽深狭窄的小巷触摸水乡泽国的灵魂踏上我选择的路 呼吸最纯粹的自己黑and白绿and 蓝 紫and粉我喜欢就好 独世非格调Oh that is all. Justsmile everyday to yourself.That is my way-Oh-myown way.No path or pool. Thereis just myself.Then l made thebeauty and the bird, and so on.Not forgetting thewhite wind and the black cloud.What is more, thelonely dogs and no-home cats.捉迷藏不需要躲在犄角旮旯马良神笔的故事今又在何方晨光宣泄着永恒的秘密山间流淌的小溪在吐露心曲路头千年银杏陪我同行细数往昔

西北天龙 发表于 2016-7-31 01:49:38


花过无影 发表于 2016-7-31 16:05:41

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