ycgc 发表于 2015-10-17 09:15:31


据科技博客Gizmodo文章,Rap Genius网站号称嘻哈音乐歌词界的维基百科,该网站日前提供了一项新服务:键入某个或某几个词语,即可查询到一段时期中该词语在说唱音乐中的出现频率,并自动生成变化曲线,显示,哪几年里该词语的出现频率较高,哪几年里有所回落。

作为一个庞大的嘻哈歌词数据库,Rap Genius网站包括所有人们熟悉与陌生的嘻哈歌词材料。这项功能的意义在于,说唱音乐通常扮演着流行风向标的角色,不仅能够体现时下什么最为流行,而且往往能够预测在未来几个月里,什么会成为时尚新宠。以前某段时间人们极力热捧的事物,又在何时热度降低了?如图所示,Rap Genius网站都能一一体现。


Rap music is usually a pretty good marker of what's trendy—or what's going to be trendy in a few months. Maybe people were bragging about Sidekicks in the early aughts, but when did that drop off? RapGenius's new RapStats feature shows you.

RapGenius is a massive database of lyrics from hip hop songs, so there's plenty of material to go on, from Biggie Smalls to 2 Chainz and many lesser-knowns in between. Type in a word, and it will show you through the years how often the term has showed up in a songs. Separate terms by commas to see several words and phrases on the graph. AllThingsD kicked off the party by charting social media (below), but we thought we'd take a look at some other trends:

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